Thursday, April 23, 2009


So it seems like the new cool thing to do. Twittering has been taught in classes now, and is the apex of the new social networking sites. 

Microblogging seems kind of ineffective when coming to developing large sweeping arguments for political candidates, but does it work to build a constituency following? Recently I started following Newt Gingrich, just to see what he would say on Twitter. 

Now, I typically don't agree with Mr. Gingrich's political stances, but following him on Twitter has made him more of a person to me. I follow the Governator too, and he also seems more real, as opposed to a movie muscle turned politician. 

Obama used Twitter to help send daily messages to potential voters. He announced his VP choice over Twitter and email before he told the news networks. 

Does this new social network allow us to interact with celebrities, becoming more involved in their lives? Or does it just create a a sense of interaction? Political figures and celebrities @reply to people, giving us a conversation with them that normally wouldn't happen. And since this site allows for shorter dialogue, it works better for the semblance of communication. 

I think that it would bode well for a newer politician wanting to appeal to a younger set of voters to get, and update a Twitter, soon. Don't have your staff do it, do it yourself, include some personal things "enjoyed a really great steak last night" or such, and update daily. 

And, by the way, for all one reader,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Texas Bashing

I hate it when people make fun of Florida. But we don't often hit the news with this kinda stuff. 

She forgets about Scandinavians and Norwegians. I can't spell those names either. 

Don't mess with Texas, it's not nice to pick on special people.

I'll wait. 

Stupid commercials. 



Yes, the do. The one question I have, please post a reply if you'd like. 

If not liking Bush was unpatriotic, how is threatening succession patriotic? 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well, hmm...

I don't...really know what to say about this. Traditionally, we avoid conversations that make us uncomfortable, but this story needs to be read. 

I don't know what to make of it, or what to say, needs to be read. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Comedy Central, good source of news, or best source?

So the Daily Show brings a valid point here. 

Basically the video, which can't be embedded, talks about how the media is talking about how Obama isn't a "Good" Christian. Religious arguments aside, who cares? With the separation of Church and State, the POTUS needs to be friendly with all religions, especially with the big powers of Muslim beliefs. 

Fox news and several other organizations have been upset that Obama would celebrate Passover and bow before Muslim leaders. No word yet over the outrage of holding an Easter celebration. Jus sayin. 

Calllllllled it.

Pirates, other than Depp and Bloom, should be delt with. And were. 

This hopefully will be a good sign to the conservative sides that Obama is strong enough to deal with bad situations, it certainly doesn't hurt. 

Now to deal with the rest of the pirates. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Newt Blog Post

Newt Gingrich is my new hero. The pirate situation over the past couple of days has sparked a couple of fun twitter posts from Newt.

Basically, in case you're too lazy to ready a couple of 160 character comments, he goes very hardcore about not negotiating with pirates, and that we need a seal team to take them down. The pirates are on a life boat, for crissake. Sink the craft. Takes two seconds to realize its hard to negotiate in a sinking ship.