Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama euphoria

I do realize I write about Obama a lot. But then, who in the news media doesn't?

I am worried for then the media turns. As a journalist, I know as well as anyone that the media shifts the agenda of the country to sell papers. With Obama's high ratings and seeming unflappability in problems so far, an article labeled "Obama screws up" would sell papers. 

No matter what happens during this presidency, the media will try to use it to sell papers. Journalists have a patriotic duty to report the news, but their editors have to make money. 

We will never see a day of totally "Fair and Balanced" news, but we will hopefully see a day that doesn't involve bullying, and hopefully that starts before Obama is in the crossfire. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No Mo Gitmo

Obama just closed all those nasty places Jack Bower showers at. No longer can we feel safe knowing that people are downing terrorists in CIA torture centers. Darn. 

The trade off is that now I can feel respect for a country known for honor and freedom. Yes, bad people need to be punished. And yes, we need to find a way to gather intelligence and stop more terrorist attacks on American soil

Karl Rove in a recent article wrote that Bush should be applauded for what he's done stopping more terrorist attacks from hitting American soil. I agree. But it doesn't mean that torture is a good thing. 

"The good of the few must be sacrificed for the good of the many." Not something I am ok with.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


He's in. And it was a great speech. Finally we are able to stop waiting and telling people to "just wait, you'll see what I see."

Now we can see. Staunch Republicans might assume I will apologize for him if he screws up. Wrong. It is our American duty to work to elect the candidate we believe in, but it is also our duty to judge and watch our leaders. And trust me, if you are Republican and upset with a move he makes, imagine how I will feel. 

I believe he will do everything he can to create a stronger and better America. Just wait, you'll see what I see. But if not, God forbid, save me a pitchfork. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Panem Et Circenses

Everything in the news today has been about the inauguration tomorrow. A CNN iReport showed the mass of people line dancing to Soulja Boy, whether or not MLK JR's dream is now a reality, and how the emcee for the parade has been doing it for the past 800 years. 

It is always good to preserve the transition festivities of the next president. But what happened to the stories on the economy? The bailout? The gaza strip situation? 

I am a journalist, this will be similar to my career for the rest of my life, but I dislike how the media determines the agenda. It is almost a hassle to search for information on anything other than the churches and schools the Obamas and their kids will be going to. 

I just can't wait for the inauguration, but no longer just to say farewell to the Bush.

Monday, January 12, 2009


This is On the Fence, my blog for political cantankerousness, which I am doing primarily for Mass 307: Article Writing 2, taught by Tom Perry at Marietta College.

Mainly this blog will deal with current events in the news, usually political in nature. Ideally, there will be a political item catching my eye every couple of days, but if not, there's always stuff in the news to talk about.

Expect to see posts on the inauguration of Obama, his response to the Israeli situation, Republican responses to Obama's reign, ad many of the new developments and interesting events that come with a new presidency and administration.