Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama to carmakers

It's about time. I'm glad that the Obama administration is putting the carmakers under supervision and requirements

With the taxpayers now heavily invested in our car industry, and that industry asking for nearly $22 billion more, it is nice to see that we have oversight.

Look at that link, and the side bar for consumers, basically its a plan that makes sense, and looks like it could help solve the problem. But I'm not an economist. I just like the tax benefit for buying a new car.

The Pope has the HIV...all wrong.

Recently the Pope spoke in Africa saying that the Aids crisis in Africa will not be solved with condoms, and that the people need to practice abstinence instead. 

While I agree that practicing abstinence is a surefire way to not get a sexually transmitted disease, by definition, it might not be the best way.

Condoms, while not religiously acceptable, apparently, they are a fairly effective way to stop the spread of HIV and AIDs, and for cultures used to having sex, it is a better way to stop HIV and AIDs. Thats just me, though. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama mistakes?

There has been a lot of talk recently about Obama making some speaking mistakes, from coughing at a press conference and calling it "choked up with anger," and a bad remark toward the special olympics. 

I was not necessarily happy with these comments, but I do encourage us to look back at the Bushisms that we have heard in the past. I will also say that any man or woman in front of a camera as often as the POTUS is rough, and everyone is bound to make mistakes.

That being said, clean it up sir, you are the beacon of hope for a nation, and you were elected for a reason. You ran for a reason. Because you know you have what it takes to lead us. Do it. 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bush vs. Obama

Ok, so I like to get into arguments with people, assuming two things. They know the issue we are arguing, and they are open to reason. Recently, I encountered someone who didn't know either, and it ended with me swearing never to talk to that person again, for fear of committing homicide. 

The argument start thusly: She said "I wish Obama would stop talking to the people and actually do work, like Bush did." (referring to the "town hall" style meetings Obama has been holding to promote the stimulus package).

I replied with: "Well, Obama has been doing what every president has done since the technology has allowed them to, he's talking to his constituents in order to help sell congress on his plans. And Bush isn't really someone to be comparing Obama to, at this point in his first term he had spent a month at Camp David and his ranch. And Bush was never really one to even find out what his constituents wanted, hence his low approval rating."

The rest of the argument went sour, with name calling and phrases that would make even Ann Coulter squeamish. 

I understand everyone has the right to their own opinion. But seriously, if you cannot defend your opinion, or be willing to change it, you should be thrown to the lions. 

Sorry for the rant. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So it's a horrible word choice for my title. I understand. But what is more horrible is the millions AIG gave to top Execs. AIG, which is more than 70% owned by the US treasury, part of the major reason the economic problems are currently affecting the world. 

There are spokespersons all over the news today talking about how outrageous the bonuses are. To me, this is the first time I've ever been tempted to put government control on private businesses. 

If you cannot get your heads out of your arses for two minutes, and realize that bonuses are a bad idea, for so many reasons, you deserve to be in jail. 

Happy Saint Patty's Day

Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally, Tangible results!

So for the first time, we have something proving Obama's actions other than in his economic policy. 

Hillary, while over seas, called for a stronger hand in the peace process between Israel and Palestine, according to a USA TODAY article

This is the first time we can see Obama's administration actively step into the politcal foray. I personally never doubted the strength of Clinton, but it is nice to see some work done, and soon, hopefully, we will have a stronger foreign policy.