Thursday, April 23, 2009


So it seems like the new cool thing to do. Twittering has been taught in classes now, and is the apex of the new social networking sites. 

Microblogging seems kind of ineffective when coming to developing large sweeping arguments for political candidates, but does it work to build a constituency following? Recently I started following Newt Gingrich, just to see what he would say on Twitter. 

Now, I typically don't agree with Mr. Gingrich's political stances, but following him on Twitter has made him more of a person to me. I follow the Governator too, and he also seems more real, as opposed to a movie muscle turned politician. 

Obama used Twitter to help send daily messages to potential voters. He announced his VP choice over Twitter and email before he told the news networks. 

Does this new social network allow us to interact with celebrities, becoming more involved in their lives? Or does it just create a a sense of interaction? Political figures and celebrities @reply to people, giving us a conversation with them that normally wouldn't happen. And since this site allows for shorter dialogue, it works better for the semblance of communication. 

I think that it would bode well for a newer politician wanting to appeal to a younger set of voters to get, and update a Twitter, soon. Don't have your staff do it, do it yourself, include some personal things "enjoyed a really great steak last night" or such, and update daily. 

And, by the way, for all one reader,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Texas Bashing

I hate it when people make fun of Florida. But we don't often hit the news with this kinda stuff. 

She forgets about Scandinavians and Norwegians. I can't spell those names either. 

Don't mess with Texas, it's not nice to pick on special people.

I'll wait. 

Stupid commercials. 



Yes, the do. The one question I have, please post a reply if you'd like. 

If not liking Bush was unpatriotic, how is threatening succession patriotic? 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well, hmm...

I don't...really know what to say about this. Traditionally, we avoid conversations that make us uncomfortable, but this story needs to be read. 

I don't know what to make of it, or what to say, needs to be read. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Comedy Central, good source of news, or best source?

So the Daily Show brings a valid point here. 

Basically the video, which can't be embedded, talks about how the media is talking about how Obama isn't a "Good" Christian. Religious arguments aside, who cares? With the separation of Church and State, the POTUS needs to be friendly with all religions, especially with the big powers of Muslim beliefs. 

Fox news and several other organizations have been upset that Obama would celebrate Passover and bow before Muslim leaders. No word yet over the outrage of holding an Easter celebration. Jus sayin. 

Calllllllled it.

Pirates, other than Depp and Bloom, should be delt with. And were. 

This hopefully will be a good sign to the conservative sides that Obama is strong enough to deal with bad situations, it certainly doesn't hurt. 

Now to deal with the rest of the pirates. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Newt Blog Post

Newt Gingrich is my new hero. The pirate situation over the past couple of days has sparked a couple of fun twitter posts from Newt.

Basically, in case you're too lazy to ready a couple of 160 character comments, he goes very hardcore about not negotiating with pirates, and that we need a seal team to take them down. The pirates are on a life boat, for crissake. Sink the craft. Takes two seconds to realize its hard to negotiate in a sinking ship. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nuh-Clur fun

Recently, and forgive me for having lost the article, Obama said that the only free world is one free of Nukes. 

Well this might be Hawkish of me, but I believe that freedom is relative. Some want the freedom to eat, learn, live, and marry who they want. Americans, however, have taken this freedom to be the freedom to "sit on my ass and watch football all day." 

America has many luxuries. Luxuries that I enjoy as well as the most conservative person. Freedom for me means that someone somewhere is supporting us. We benefit from good trade deals and large tourism and education boosts, people coming here to learn, people paying from our technology. 

Our ability to stay on top comes partly from our military might. We crushed a country recently. Iraq was only under Saddam's total control for what, three days before we destroyed their armies, took their cities?

Nuclear power is a benefit for us. It helps us get what we want. We don't want N. Korea having nukes because that means that thats a little less power we have. It levels the playing field a lot. 

Point is, when it comes to Nukes, I like having them. I like knowing that if some country levels most of ours, we can return the favor. Judgement Day be damned. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama to carmakers

It's about time. I'm glad that the Obama administration is putting the carmakers under supervision and requirements

With the taxpayers now heavily invested in our car industry, and that industry asking for nearly $22 billion more, it is nice to see that we have oversight.

Look at that link, and the side bar for consumers, basically its a plan that makes sense, and looks like it could help solve the problem. But I'm not an economist. I just like the tax benefit for buying a new car.

The Pope has the HIV...all wrong.

Recently the Pope spoke in Africa saying that the Aids crisis in Africa will not be solved with condoms, and that the people need to practice abstinence instead. 

While I agree that practicing abstinence is a surefire way to not get a sexually transmitted disease, by definition, it might not be the best way.

Condoms, while not religiously acceptable, apparently, they are a fairly effective way to stop the spread of HIV and AIDs, and for cultures used to having sex, it is a better way to stop HIV and AIDs. Thats just me, though. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama mistakes?

There has been a lot of talk recently about Obama making some speaking mistakes, from coughing at a press conference and calling it "choked up with anger," and a bad remark toward the special olympics. 

I was not necessarily happy with these comments, but I do encourage us to look back at the Bushisms that we have heard in the past. I will also say that any man or woman in front of a camera as often as the POTUS is rough, and everyone is bound to make mistakes.

That being said, clean it up sir, you are the beacon of hope for a nation, and you were elected for a reason. You ran for a reason. Because you know you have what it takes to lead us. Do it. 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bush vs. Obama

Ok, so I like to get into arguments with people, assuming two things. They know the issue we are arguing, and they are open to reason. Recently, I encountered someone who didn't know either, and it ended with me swearing never to talk to that person again, for fear of committing homicide. 

The argument start thusly: She said "I wish Obama would stop talking to the people and actually do work, like Bush did." (referring to the "town hall" style meetings Obama has been holding to promote the stimulus package).

I replied with: "Well, Obama has been doing what every president has done since the technology has allowed them to, he's talking to his constituents in order to help sell congress on his plans. And Bush isn't really someone to be comparing Obama to, at this point in his first term he had spent a month at Camp David and his ranch. And Bush was never really one to even find out what his constituents wanted, hence his low approval rating."

The rest of the argument went sour, with name calling and phrases that would make even Ann Coulter squeamish. 

I understand everyone has the right to their own opinion. But seriously, if you cannot defend your opinion, or be willing to change it, you should be thrown to the lions. 

Sorry for the rant. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So it's a horrible word choice for my title. I understand. But what is more horrible is the millions AIG gave to top Execs. AIG, which is more than 70% owned by the US treasury, part of the major reason the economic problems are currently affecting the world. 

There are spokespersons all over the news today talking about how outrageous the bonuses are. To me, this is the first time I've ever been tempted to put government control on private businesses. 

If you cannot get your heads out of your arses for two minutes, and realize that bonuses are a bad idea, for so many reasons, you deserve to be in jail. 

Happy Saint Patty's Day

Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally, Tangible results!

So for the first time, we have something proving Obama's actions other than in his economic policy. 

Hillary, while over seas, called for a stronger hand in the peace process between Israel and Palestine, according to a USA TODAY article

This is the first time we can see Obama's administration actively step into the politcal foray. I personally never doubted the strength of Clinton, but it is nice to see some work done, and soon, hopefully, we will have a stronger foreign policy. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

McCain, is he McBitter?

So in reading the paper this morning, I decided to go with something I thought would be a fun little side article on politics. the New York Times posted this blog. Go ahead and read it, it sounds fun from the title. 

But did the reporter take his blog too far? It seems like a lot of editorializing is done into McCain's feelings during it. Now, I am sure I editorialize a great deal, but in a hot button issue like "how does the defeated feel about Obama" it seems like one should take more research before posting an undocumented emotion like that.

That's the problem with blogs run by major news sources. They tend to get bored writing the cut and dry story, so they make it more fun, creating drama where there may indeed be none. Just keep reading me instead, since I never get to talk face to face with these people, you know I'm just wrong when I editorialize. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Everything is crashing recently

In the light of another plane crash, the economy, and hundreds of companies asking for a bailout from our new administration, I was incredibly tempted to talk about more negatives and critiquing some CEO's or something. But then I remembered the Obama campaign slogan.


Besides being an incredibly cheesy endorsement, it is an important capacity we need to keep going. This economy won't fix itself without people buying things.

We need the hope to purchase, we need the hope to take loans, start businesses, buy property, build houses, and generally spend money. 

Granted, this sounds like a broke college student is trying to justify his growing credit card debt, but it does make sense. The more money we spend, the more jobs we need to account for that spending. We need contractors and workers to build houses, realtors to sell property, and caterers to make and organize the open house celebration. 

Don't forget the farmers and brewers making the food and beverages for that party. One person spending money leads to partial justification for hundreds of jobs. The same goes for any company and industry. 

So spend money, spend it if droves. Be smart, but buy products. Eat out occasionally. Buy into commercialization of holidays. 

And for God's sake, don't forget to buy your Mardi Gras cards.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Well it's official

During class today, we stumbled onto this article, rating to nation's top presidents, putting Lincoln on the top of the list. 

Bush was ranked fairly low on all the categories, his highest was 24th for equal rights for all. The test was done by historians, not just random people on the street, so it's official, Bush wasn't close to our best president, he wasn't even in the top half. 

Obama hasn't been ranked yet. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I thought this video pretty much summed up my feelings for Bill O'Rielly. For some reason this site won't let me imbed the video.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Salary caps

Obama this week declared a salary cap to businesses that receive governmental support. I'm really upset with companies that are sending their CEO's to vegas for a week and buying private jets while getting bailed out by a large lump sum from our government. 

I don't know. I'm not the guy who can fix the economy. I don't know how to. But I do know that companies need to be smarter when they use our money. At least try to hide the lies better.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Steeley reserves

The Republican National Committee just elected Michael Steele as party chairman. 

Now, this might seem racially insensitive, and I'm sure Steele is a good conservative, but does this seem like a meager pandering to the African American community to anyone else?

Yes, it is a new day, and racism is less prevalent with a Black president, but when one of the only reasons they are choosing a party chairman is based on race, someone missed the memo.

Symbolically, yes, it does spell a change in the Republican party. No longer will they pander to the racist, poor and wealthy, whites of America. They will try to be balanced and fair. That's fine. Anything to get rid of Sarah Palin

It's just one less reason to dislike the RNC. Doesn't mean he's a good guy, but it is at least an acknowledgement that times have changed. I hope that they still defend their position strongly, progress comes from competition. But I hope that that competition comes more centralized, closer to my side of the court. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yes, even I'll write about the superbowl

Since every newspaper under the sun is ONLY covering the Superbowl today, I'll join in.

Obama picks the Steelers to win. Ironic, because he picked the team with a long history of winning, and sticking to the same game plan. Obama, I thought, would be a Cardinal, a team who worked every second, won the games they needed to win, and weren't expected to make it. Oh well.

With the sagging economy, advertisers were hard pressed to justify spending the money to support NBC's $100,000 per second advertising fee. Fortunately, even with the slagging economy, we will still see some good ads, look for the Miller Lite 1 second ads. Should be good. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama euphoria

I do realize I write about Obama a lot. But then, who in the news media doesn't?

I am worried for then the media turns. As a journalist, I know as well as anyone that the media shifts the agenda of the country to sell papers. With Obama's high ratings and seeming unflappability in problems so far, an article labeled "Obama screws up" would sell papers. 

No matter what happens during this presidency, the media will try to use it to sell papers. Journalists have a patriotic duty to report the news, but their editors have to make money. 

We will never see a day of totally "Fair and Balanced" news, but we will hopefully see a day that doesn't involve bullying, and hopefully that starts before Obama is in the crossfire. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No Mo Gitmo

Obama just closed all those nasty places Jack Bower showers at. No longer can we feel safe knowing that people are downing terrorists in CIA torture centers. Darn. 

The trade off is that now I can feel respect for a country known for honor and freedom. Yes, bad people need to be punished. And yes, we need to find a way to gather intelligence and stop more terrorist attacks on American soil

Karl Rove in a recent article wrote that Bush should be applauded for what he's done stopping more terrorist attacks from hitting American soil. I agree. But it doesn't mean that torture is a good thing. 

"The good of the few must be sacrificed for the good of the many." Not something I am ok with.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


He's in. And it was a great speech. Finally we are able to stop waiting and telling people to "just wait, you'll see what I see."

Now we can see. Staunch Republicans might assume I will apologize for him if he screws up. Wrong. It is our American duty to work to elect the candidate we believe in, but it is also our duty to judge and watch our leaders. And trust me, if you are Republican and upset with a move he makes, imagine how I will feel. 

I believe he will do everything he can to create a stronger and better America. Just wait, you'll see what I see. But if not, God forbid, save me a pitchfork. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Panem Et Circenses

Everything in the news today has been about the inauguration tomorrow. A CNN iReport showed the mass of people line dancing to Soulja Boy, whether or not MLK JR's dream is now a reality, and how the emcee for the parade has been doing it for the past 800 years. 

It is always good to preserve the transition festivities of the next president. But what happened to the stories on the economy? The bailout? The gaza strip situation? 

I am a journalist, this will be similar to my career for the rest of my life, but I dislike how the media determines the agenda. It is almost a hassle to search for information on anything other than the churches and schools the Obamas and their kids will be going to. 

I just can't wait for the inauguration, but no longer just to say farewell to the Bush.

Monday, January 12, 2009


This is On the Fence, my blog for political cantankerousness, which I am doing primarily for Mass 307: Article Writing 2, taught by Tom Perry at Marietta College.

Mainly this blog will deal with current events in the news, usually political in nature. Ideally, there will be a political item catching my eye every couple of days, but if not, there's always stuff in the news to talk about.

Expect to see posts on the inauguration of Obama, his response to the Israeli situation, Republican responses to Obama's reign, ad many of the new developments and interesting events that come with a new presidency and administration.