Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nuh-Clur fun

Recently, and forgive me for having lost the article, Obama said that the only free world is one free of Nukes. 

Well this might be Hawkish of me, but I believe that freedom is relative. Some want the freedom to eat, learn, live, and marry who they want. Americans, however, have taken this freedom to be the freedom to "sit on my ass and watch football all day." 

America has many luxuries. Luxuries that I enjoy as well as the most conservative person. Freedom for me means that someone somewhere is supporting us. We benefit from good trade deals and large tourism and education boosts, people coming here to learn, people paying from our technology. 

Our ability to stay on top comes partly from our military might. We crushed a country recently. Iraq was only under Saddam's total control for what, three days before we destroyed their armies, took their cities?

Nuclear power is a benefit for us. It helps us get what we want. We don't want N. Korea having nukes because that means that thats a little less power we have. It levels the playing field a lot. 

Point is, when it comes to Nukes, I like having them. I like knowing that if some country levels most of ours, we can return the favor. Judgement Day be damned. 

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