Tuesday, February 24, 2009

McCain, is he McBitter?

So in reading the paper this morning, I decided to go with something I thought would be a fun little side article on politics. the New York Times posted this blog. Go ahead and read it, it sounds fun from the title. 

But did the reporter take his blog too far? It seems like a lot of editorializing is done into McCain's feelings during it. Now, I am sure I editorialize a great deal, but in a hot button issue like "how does the defeated feel about Obama" it seems like one should take more research before posting an undocumented emotion like that.

That's the problem with blogs run by major news sources. They tend to get bored writing the cut and dry story, so they make it more fun, creating drama where there may indeed be none. Just keep reading me instead, since I never get to talk face to face with these people, you know I'm just wrong when I editorialize. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Everything is crashing recently

In the light of another plane crash, the economy, and hundreds of companies asking for a bailout from our new administration, I was incredibly tempted to talk about more negatives and critiquing some CEO's or something. But then I remembered the Obama campaign slogan.


Besides being an incredibly cheesy endorsement, it is an important capacity we need to keep going. This economy won't fix itself without people buying things.

We need the hope to purchase, we need the hope to take loans, start businesses, buy property, build houses, and generally spend money. 

Granted, this sounds like a broke college student is trying to justify his growing credit card debt, but it does make sense. The more money we spend, the more jobs we need to account for that spending. We need contractors and workers to build houses, realtors to sell property, and caterers to make and organize the open house celebration. 

Don't forget the farmers and brewers making the food and beverages for that party. One person spending money leads to partial justification for hundreds of jobs. The same goes for any company and industry. 

So spend money, spend it if droves. Be smart, but buy products. Eat out occasionally. Buy into commercialization of holidays. 

And for God's sake, don't forget to buy your Mardi Gras cards.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Well it's official

During class today, we stumbled onto this article, rating to nation's top presidents, putting Lincoln on the top of the list. 

Bush was ranked fairly low on all the categories, his highest was 24th for equal rights for all. The test was done by historians, not just random people on the street, so it's official, Bush wasn't close to our best president, he wasn't even in the top half. 

Obama hasn't been ranked yet. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I thought this video pretty much summed up my feelings for Bill O'Rielly. For some reason this site won't let me imbed the video.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Salary caps

Obama this week declared a salary cap to businesses that receive governmental support. I'm really upset with companies that are sending their CEO's to vegas for a week and buying private jets while getting bailed out by a large lump sum from our government. 

I don't know. I'm not the guy who can fix the economy. I don't know how to. But I do know that companies need to be smarter when they use our money. At least try to hide the lies better.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Steeley reserves

The Republican National Committee just elected Michael Steele as party chairman. 

Now, this might seem racially insensitive, and I'm sure Steele is a good conservative, but does this seem like a meager pandering to the African American community to anyone else?

Yes, it is a new day, and racism is less prevalent with a Black president, but when one of the only reasons they are choosing a party chairman is based on race, someone missed the memo.

Symbolically, yes, it does spell a change in the Republican party. No longer will they pander to the racist, poor and wealthy, whites of America. They will try to be balanced and fair. That's fine. Anything to get rid of Sarah Palin

It's just one less reason to dislike the RNC. Doesn't mean he's a good guy, but it is at least an acknowledgement that times have changed. I hope that they still defend their position strongly, progress comes from competition. But I hope that that competition comes more centralized, closer to my side of the court. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yes, even I'll write about the superbowl

Since every newspaper under the sun is ONLY covering the Superbowl today, I'll join in.

Obama picks the Steelers to win. Ironic, because he picked the team with a long history of winning, and sticking to the same game plan. Obama, I thought, would be a Cardinal, a team who worked every second, won the games they needed to win, and weren't expected to make it. Oh well.

With the sagging economy, advertisers were hard pressed to justify spending the money to support NBC's $100,000 per second advertising fee. Fortunately, even with the slagging economy, we will still see some good ads, look for the Miller Lite 1 second ads. Should be good.